2" Vinyl Blinds


G&V strives to provide its customers trouble-free, long-lasting quality products, competitive pricing and personnel that respond quickly and professionally to any and all requests. More Information...


G&V factory customs weaves using the finest materials that made from bamboo, grasses, jutes, paper, and flax into our elegance shades. More Information...


G&V centralized facilities provide a quick turnaround of repairs, warranty service and quick ship of component parts. More Information...

2" Vinyl Blinds

UV resistant material prevents fading. Available in most of the same styles as verticals. Strong and durable for years of care free operation.


  • 2" slats valance comes standard
  • Vinyl formulation slats are non-leaded
  • Cord tilt standard, wand tilt available
  • Cloth tapes optional

Mailing Address:
43-10 35th Street
Long Island City, NY 11101
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Tel: 718.706.8688

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